Hsu Yun Chan Yuen
A virtual temple for the study of Zen
  Chán Xué Zhong Xin

Welcome to the Zen Buddhist Order of Hsu Yun
Ven. Master Hsu Yun Master Hsu (Xu) Yun
Hsu Yun Chan Yuen
"Any speech which ignores uncertainty is not the speech of a sage."

      - No Ajahn Chah
( view all quotes )



To learn the specifics of our Path and for an overview of Zen - its origins, psychology, Eightfold Path, and meditation methods - we recommend our ZBOHY manual, "The Seventh World of Chan Buddhism" (available also in Adobe Acrobat format) and also "Empty Cloud: The Teachings of Hsu Yun." (also in Adobe Acrobat format)

What's New at ZBOHY . . .

We have recently moved to a new locateion. Please see our new website at http://zatma.org/New

Latest Essay by Ming Zhen Shakya
posted: June 8, 2004

Essay by Ming Zhen Shakya
Commentary on Wayman's
Yoga of the Guhyasamajatantra
posted: April 30, 2004

Some of our most popular features . . .

Beginning and Intermediate Chan Training

Rev. Ming Zhen Shakya presents the history, psychology, and practice of Chan in The Seventh World of Chan Buddhism.

Ruminations on Zen's Cows
An in-depth look at the ox-herding motif in Zen and other mystical traditions.


Site Map

Master Hsu Yun

The Chan teachings of Master Hsu Yun

Poems by the famous Zen master, Hsu Yun, and others

Dharma Talks, contemporary Zen essays, books, and commentaries

Inspirational Writings
Poems and short writings from many world religions

Canonical Writings
Sutras, Shastras, and Liturgical Buddhist texts

Visual Arts
Contemporary and ancient paintings and drawings, statuary, and art-photography

Chants from Buddhist and related Eastern religions

Prayers for meals, funerals, weddings, and other occasions

Dharma Talks
Sermons selected from a variety of sources

Photographs of famous Zen masters, Buddhist temples and surrounding countryside

Bulletin Board
Community news and events, links, and announcements

Site Index
Links to all sections and subsections of the website

Search the site by keyword and topic

Our Purpose
The Zen Buddhist Order of Hsu Yun (ZBOHY) was created to spread the teachings of Ven. Master Hsu (Xu) Yun, China's greatest Zen master of the 20th Century.   Our priests follow in the Southern School (Mahayana) lineage of Hui Neng, the Sixth and last Patriarch of Zen.
ZBOHY is not associated with Fa Lun Gong or any other groups that have been outlawed in China.



Thanks to all the many people who have contributed to this Website...



Nan Hua Temple Complex Nan Hua Temple Complex

In China, in the year 502, at a lovely wooded hillside that overlooked the gentle Caoxi River, a small Buddhist temple called Bao Lin (Fragrant Wood) was built.

The world would little notice it. Rome was awaiting the rule of the Emperor Justinian; Tikal's temples were beginning to penetrate the oceanic flatness of the Peten; the Huns were invading India; and Bodhidharma was only thinking about taking Dhyana to China.

Scribe at Nan Hua Si Scribe at Nan Hua Temple

Who could imagine that a mere hundred and seventy-five years later, this idyllic place would lure Hui Neng, the 6th Patriarch of Chan, to itself, to captivate him with its possibilities, and inspire him to create the world's premier Chan Temple, the exquisite Nan Hua Si.

Through history's shattering calamities, the Dharma has found undisturbed refuge on the sacred soil of Bao Lin. For fifteen hundred years the Buddha's Way has led directly to Nan Hua's hallowed grounds.

Venerable Ming Zhen (Chuan Yuan) Shakya Rev. Ming Zhen (Chuan Yuan) Shakya at Nan Hua Si wearing the beads of the Sixth Patriarch, Hui Neng. Some of Hui Neng's belongings and other important Buddhist artifacts are stored at Nan Hua Si.


In tribute to this grand anniversary, we present a collection of photographs of Nan Hua Temple, and Shao Guan, Guang Dong Province, China.

Visit the official Web site of Nan Hua (in Chinese)


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Italian Website

Zen Unbound
We are a grateful recipient of the Zen Unbound award in 1999 for "the best Zen Buddhist writer on the Web", and inclusion in Buddhanet's top ten Zen Buddhist websites since 1999.

Last modified: July 01, 2005
©2002-2004 Zen Buddhist Order of Hsu Yun