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The Platform Sutra

(The Sutra of Hui Neng)
In Chinese characters
with links to character translations

Personal History
  The Poems
  Maha-prajna sutra
  Meaning of prajna
  Meaning of paramita
  84000 Insight
  Like rainwater
  Ignorant and wise
  Inside and out
  Rebirth in Pure Land
  Seeing the Pure Land
Dhyana and Prajna
  Lamp and Light
  Not sudden nor gradual
  Freedom from thought
Sitting Meditation
  Five perfumes
  Formless repentance
  Four Vows
  Three refuges
  Three Bodies
    Self refuge
  Self realization


The Platform Sutra is perhaps the most famous teaching from the Sixth Patriach, Hui Neng (638-713). The Platform Sutra is also known as the Sutra of Wei Lang, from the first translation into English published in 1930 by Mr. Wong Mou-lam. This is the only writing from a Zen master to have been given the status of "Sutra", a term otherwise reserved for teachings from the Buddha as recounted by Ananda.

Page numbers appearing on the top of each page correspond to the pages in Thomas Cleary's translation, The Sutra of Hui-Neng Grand master of Zen. This provides easy cross-reference to a popular translation of the work.

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Hui Neng's mummy
Hui Neng's mummy. This photo was taken before the Cultural Revolution and the Red Guard's damage to the remains in the 1960's. The mummy had to be reassembled and lacquered heavily after the damage.

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Last modified: July 31, 2003
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